Iseng2 baca blognya Uul, eh ada postingan baru yang seru. Dapet pe-er pertanyaan nih…. coba ah….
So the rule are so simple. You just have to answer the question below and search the answer on the google image. Choose one of the image on the first page of the result and post it as your answer. Remember, image on the first page.
The Age of my next birthday? A Place I’d like to travel? A favourite place? A favourite food? Favourite Thing? Favourite Color? A city I was born? A nickname I had? College Major? Name of my LOVE? A bad habit? A hobby? Wishlist?
And then tag 7 person to do this.
Let’s begin
1. Age of my next birthday
2. Place to travel
3. Favorite place
4. Favorite food
5. Favorite thing
6. Favorite color
7. city i was born :
8. nickname i had
Aku nulis din, kok yang keluar din connector ya??
9. college major
10. name of my love :
11. a bad habit
12. a hobby
13. Wish list
huehehe...cepeet banget ngerjain Pe-eR nya buu
bagoooosss ^^
habis bingung mo ngapain...kamu diajakin pulang masih nanti2 aja sih ^^V
kan mumpung yang d ajakin kencan lagi gak ada buu...
ayo kita masuk k golongan otheisme sejati
*tertawa iblis
ehem....klo ikut ajaran otheisme, pulang jam 12 dong buu??
haish....kayak ga punya kehidupan ahahahhahaha
*mbak ti dari tadi nanyain aku pulang kapan nih, aku berdiri ambil minum aja disangka mo pulang ^^V
hahahhaha.. udah bikin toh, aku belom nih.
muleh yok,,,
badan dah ingin pulang
tapi hati dan pikiran masih melekat d kantor. wakakakkaak
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