
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Eiffel Tower – 3D Puzzle

Sunday, October 24, 2010

This is it, my 3D Puzzle of Eiffel Tower. Karena minggu ini bingung ngapain, akhirnya malah iseng2 motret si menara. Hahahaha…
Menara ini dibangun kurang dari 4 jam, tapi buatnya nyicil selama 3 hari. Antara menyesal dan senang setelah puzzle yang terdiri dari 82 bagian ini jadi, ternyata dia ngabisin tempat di kamar @_@
moral of story : klo membeli puzzle, baca baik-baik seberapa besar klo dia udah jadi. ;p

DSC_5137 copy-smalltampak depan *ujung atas menara tampak bengkok :p

DSC_5138 copy-small tampak atas

DSC_5141 copy-small bagian bawah menara

Funny Code

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dapet link web dari anggri di twitter dan isinya lucu banget. Tentang comment2 di source code. Yang jadi favoritku itu  : long long ago; /* in a galaxy far far away */

sumpah, ini comment bikin ngakak…. gyahahahahahaha…
dan juga bikin kangen ngoding *yakin? sepertinya aku mimpi :p

What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

weekend, weekday, holiday… ^^

Friday, July 10, 2009

weekend… cuti… election… weekday… holiday a.k.a gwp mt…

*posting ga penting, yang jelas minggu ini penuh dengan liburan, masuk sehari doang dalam seminggu hahahahahaha

Trying something fun part 2

Saturday, March 21, 2009

huf…. masih ada pertanyaan part 2

1. Sebutkan penyanyi pop favoritmu :
    Hm...gimana ya... sapa aja yang lagunya enak didengerin sih ^^

2. Apa arti EMO dari menurutmu?
    EMO?? keknya nama boneka di film apa gitu... (sotoy banget ya?)

3. Setujukah jika dangdut go-international?
    ya gpp sih... asal tidak aneh2.. (taulah imagenya kek gimana)

4. Koleksi album apa yang kamu miliki? Ada berapa?
    Album apa ya? album kaset gitu? wew... banyak sich... ga pernah ngitung ^^

5. Mengapa musik metal selalu teriak-teriak?
    metal = logam = benda keras, klo teriak = suara keras, jadi intinya  sama2 keras (analisis yang aneh)

6. Sebarkan award ini k 7 orang
haduh..sapa ya? oke deh… oche, mbak erva, nita, mbak fai, dian p, choiri n eriek cobain ya… ^^

Trying something fun part 1

Iseng2 baca blognya Uul, eh ada postingan baru yang seru. Dapet pe-er pertanyaan nih…. coba ah….

So the rule are so simple. You just have to answer the question below and search the answer on the google image. Choose one of the image on the first page of the result and post it as your answer. Remember, image on the first page.

The Age of my next birthday? A Place I’d like to travel? A favourite place? A favourite food? Favourite Thing? Favourite Color? A city I was born? A nickname I had? College Major? Name of my LOVE? A bad habit? A hobby? Wishlist?

And then tag 7 person to do this.

Let’s begin

1. Age of my next birthday


2. Place to travel


3. Favorite place


4. Favorite food


5. Favorite thing


6. Favorite color


7. city i was born :


8. nickname i had


Aku nulis din, kok yang keluar din connector ya??





9. college major


10. name of my love :


11. a bad habit


12. a hobby

no12-1 travelling crocheting

13. Wish list

married family naik haji post_card_saatnya_perancis

Rubik’s Cube

Monday, March 2, 2009

3x3_cube.ashx Rubik’s cube is one of puzzle games. I have played this games when I’m still on school. By borrowing the rubik’s of my sister’s friends. I have ever finished the task, but now I can’t finished it. Need upgrade the processor I think. Hahahahaha….

Today, I get rubik’s from Imam. My friend on my working place. He has back from Korea last saturday. I have asked him to buy rubik’s on Korea, because I have searched on ervery Toy’s Shop in here and I didn’t find it. Do you know where Imam found this rubik’s? He found at the small shop inside the SEC. In here the shop maybe same with “Koperasi”. Hahahaha… so funny you know, I have searched at every Toy’s shop in here but he found this at small shop inside of company. Eventough not the original rubik’s but its okay, I still can enjoy the game.

Some of my friends in here likes this game too. We like this game because it can test our logic thinking. I like this kind of game since I was child. I am curious with how to finish of puzzle games. I really really likes this puzzle things, so hard to solve makes me more want to solve. kekekekekek…..

You can buy the original rubik’s at kaskus or offical web of rubik's.

For adding information I give you this link. He is using very fast rubik’s, ‘n boss said that you can buy it on Korea.