

Thursday, July 16, 2009

bunga rumput

*entahlah ni bunga dari tanaman apa, ngambilnya juga iseng pas jalan-jalan

Putri Malu (Mimosa Pudica)

Scientific classification :
Kingdom : Plantae
Division  : Magnoliophyta
Class       : Magnoliopsida
Order      : Fabales
Family     : Fabaceae
Subfamily: Mimosoideae
Genus     : Mimosa


bunga ungu

*ni bunga punya biji yang dibungkus kayak kacang, trus klo di taruh ke air bisa meletus (pengalaman masa kecil)
**bokehnya bagus ga ya? kata si bos kutil klo bokehnya bulet-bulet itu bagus

Tapak dara (Catharanthus roseus)

Kingdom       : Plantae (tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (berpembuluh)
Superdivisio : Spermatophyta (menghasilkan biji)
Divisio          : Magnoliophyta (berbunga)
Kelas            : Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua / dikotil
Sub-kelas     : Asteridae
Ordo            : Gentianales
Familia         : Apocynaceae
Genus          : Catharanthus
Spesies        : Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don

bunga apa ya? lupa namanya :D, padahal di rumah banyak loh.

*photo diambil pas gwp, di villa ratu bogor 11-12 juli 2009
**diposting di kantor, habisnya internetku ditutup, padahal cuman telat bayar sehari… >.<

weekend, weekday, holiday… ^^

Friday, July 10, 2009

weekend… cuti… election… weekday… holiday a.k.a gwp mt…

*posting ga penting, yang jelas minggu ini penuh dengan liburan, masuk sehari doang dalam seminggu hahahahahaha

potatoes pancake *pengennya… >.<

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Iseng-iseng browsing resep pancake, eh nemu resep “potatoes pancake”. Kebetulan aku suka kentang trus liat gambarnya jadi tergoda pengen nyobain. Resepnya ini :

Potaoes Pancake

Bahan :
4 buah kentang, kupas dan serut memanjang *pake parutan gobet/keju*
1/2 sdm tepung maisena
garam dan gula secukupnya *resep asli cuman garam aja*
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
2 butir telor, kocok lepas *aslinya cuman 1 butir sih*
Margarine untuk menggoreng

Cara membuat :
Campurkan semua bahan kecuali margarine.
Aduk sampai tercampur rata
Panaskan wajan teflon lalu beri 2 sdm margarine
Ambil 1 sendok sayur adonan lalu tuangkan diatas wajan seperti membuat pancake
Setelah bagian bawah matang kemudian balikan dan goreng sampai kentang matang dan krispi

Resep aslinya ada disini.


Hasilnya…. taraaa…. ga sukses blas, rasanya kek wingko trus sama gambar yang di resep asli jauuuuhhhhh berbeda. gyahahahahaha…
Kayaknya parutannya terlalu kecil, kata mbak ti sih ada parutan keju yang lebih gede lagi. Ah entahlah.. lagian lebih enak pancake biasa aja. :D

transformers : revenge of the fallen

Sunday, June 28, 2009

rotfposter I watched this movie last saturday with my friends. This movie is incredible. Like this movie so much, eventhough I still prefer the first movie. I think I’m gonna used this movie as my test disc again. hahahahahaha…. already made the test disc for the first movie.

Have a little disappoinment because of the fallen so easy to lose from optimus prime. I thought it would be a hard fight between the both of them. *sigh* But’s like anggri said, one of best part on this movie is when the human fight together with the autobots.

hmm… let’s wait the divx file then watch it using HTS.

Must be dreaming

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Frou Frou – Must be dreaming

Pay close attention
Don't listen to me from now
George'll be flying this one
And it's anyone's guess how he does this
Is the right turn wrong
Universe taking me in full bloom
Fireball careful with that there
See what you made me do

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
I must be dreaming
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So one day I'll be yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Incendiary glance
Be come and collide in me
Zoom in enhance hold
While i go helplessly sky high
Magic eye sugar rushing don't stop

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
Hey just watcha make me
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So one day I'll be yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Euphoria i can't take any more of
Yah i'm losing it

*ni videonya sering bikin masalah, tapi lagunya bagus. Iseng2 googling liriknya eh ternyata nemu juga
**mbak ti, aku nemu liriknya lhooo....