
Jelajah Kota Toea : Cap Go Meh in China Town

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Minggu kemaren bolos les prancis, di awali dengan berbagai rencana akhirnya malah ikutan Jelajah Kota Toea : Cap Go Meh in China Town. Yang ngadain komunitas di blog jelajahbudaya[dot]blogspot[dot]com. Daftar lewat email trus bayar lewat transfer, mudah kan? :D
Ke sana bareng mamat, mbak er, juki ama mas mahe. Meeting poin-nya di museum bank mandiri. Setelah daftar ulang, kita di bagi dalam beberapa grup. Masing-masing grup ada 1 pemandu. *berasa study tour* :D Oleh pemandunya kita di ajak jalan-jalan mengunjungi beberapa tempat. Di mulai dari Museum Bank Mandiri dulu, kita di ajak menuju ruang bawah. Di ruang ini yang paling menarik adalah tempat penyimpanan uang, dimana tebel pintunya 1 m >.<

DSC_1470 pintu plus mamat :D

Selanjutnya mulailah perjalanan di bawah sengatan matahari, diawali dengan melewati pasar pagi lama asemka kemudian ke rumah pasar gelap. Karena asik moto2 jadi ga terlalu ndengerin pemandunya, padahal pemandunya bener-bener tau banyak hal. *sedikit nyesel ga ndengerin >.<
Trus sampailah ke Klenteng Bodhidarma & Arya Marga.

DSC_1520Klenteng Bodhidarma

DSC_1531 Klenteng Arya Marga

Abis itu ngliat THHK ama keluarga souw, Klenteng Tang Seng Ong, Gereja Maria de Fatima –> beneran ga inget ini dimana aja :D soalnya abis ini kepisah ama si pemandu. hiks… ga bisa ikutan beli bakpau deh >.<
Terakhir ke Klenteng Jin De Yuan. Ada banyak lentera/lampionnya. :D

DSC_1594 copy di dalem klenteng jin de yuan

Selese muter-muter, balik ke museum bank mandiri trus makan siang. Kemudian ada pertunjukan barongsai di dalem, sambil nungguin pawai barongsai. Dan demi mendapatkan foto-foto pawai barongsai, aku ma juki sampek naik pager di sebelahnya halte busway. Hahhahaha nekat memang, tapi posisinya emang mantep. :D
thanks for agung, yang minjemin si lensa tele… hohohoho

DSC_1672 copy ngasih angpaw ke barongsai

DSC_1713 copy barongsai ditengah kerumunan

DSC_1696 copy barongsai oranye

don't stop believin’

I love this song very much, evethough I don’t know why. Just “don’t stop believing”.. :D


Don't Stop Believin' – Glee Cast

Just a small town girl
livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the nights

Working hard to get my fill,
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time

Some will win, some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
And now the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Don't stop believin
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight, people

Don't stop!

hunting buku bekas

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Berawal dari baca salah satu artikel di curipandang[dot]com. Ada yang nulis tentang tempat-tempat hunting barang bekas, salah satunya buku bekas. Klo dulu di AADC ada adegan nyari buku bekas di Kwitang, dan sekarang Kwitang entah bagaimana kabarnya. Soalnya terakhir ke Kwitang tahun 2008 kemaren. :D
Trus dari artikel itu disebutin klo di Blok M Square bagian basement banyak yang jualan buku bekas. Selain di Blok M Square, ada juga di Pasar Senen. Karena di artikel itu disarankan ke Blok M Square diliat dari segi kenyamanan, berangkatlah ke sana sepulang dari les prancis.
Blok M Square, gedungnya tinggi menjulang di sebelah terminal Blok M. Klo kita turun dari bis di terminal, ada jalan tembus ke Blok M Square bagian basement. Klo ga salah nglewatin parkiran mobil gitu. Bagi penggila buku, pas ke sana berasa surga buku. :D Udah tempatnya bersih, adem karena ber AC dan banyak buanget yang jualan buku bekas. Bikin betah jalan-jalan keliling nyari buku-buku lama, yang kita idam-idamkan.
Tadi barusan beli komik, ada yang harganya 3rb sampek 5rb. Mungkin klo mau nawar masih bisa murah lagi. Selain komik, ada juga novel baik yang impor maupun lokal, buku-buku pelajaran buat anak sekolah SD sampek Mahasiswa, segala macam kamus, ensiklopedia dan masih banyak lagi. Dan harganya tentu saja ga semahal buku baru. Bagi penggila buku, cobalah ke sini, dijamin lebih seneng ke situ daripada ke toko buku.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Ga sengaja nemuin video ini, ceritanya dia bikin video masquerade pake video-video jadulnya BSB dan klo diperhatiin pengucapannya “tampak”pas banget ama lyric lagunya. Bahkan feelnya si penyanyinya lumayan dapet juga. Hohoho…. sampek segitunya ya? salut nih sama orang ini. :D

BSB – Masquerade

This scenes so hypnotic
Smoking mirrors, lights and magic
Paper faces in gold
There's solider boys, beauty queens
Everyone's a mystery
It's got me losing control

Yearning, I'm yearning for the one to steal my eyes
Wanna play in this game of disguise

It's a masquerade, a love parade
So won't you stay and dance with me
All though the night, I'll stay
My masquerade, I need you baby
So stay with me tonight

Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade
Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade

Just like a perfect dream
I don't ever wanna leave
A thousand freaks in the show
One's a tiger, one's a lynx
One's a king that suffering
Moving high, moving love

Burning, I'm burning, can't you see it in my eyes?
Wanna play in this game of disguise

It's a masquerade, a love parade
So won't you stay and dance with me
All though the night, I'll stay
My masquerade, I need you baby
So stay with me tonight

Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade
Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade

I gotta know the girl behind the mask
Let me in, where you been, don't pretend
Dreamed that I had her alone
Show your face to me, we could be everything

It's a masquerade, a love parade
So won't you stay and dance with me
All though the night, I'll stay
My masquerade, I need you baby
So stay

A masquerade, a love parade
So won't you stay and dance with me
All though the night, I'll stay
My masquerade, I need you baby
So stay with me tonight

Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade
Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade, Masquerade


remembering the past when screaming outloud because them.. lol…

BSB – Bigger

First off I cant keep a promise
Im no one to count on at all
Add on that Im a coward
To scared to return your calls

But you dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger
Than me

Its known that Im a liar
Often Im blacker than white
Add on my uncanny ego
No ones as humbled like I

But you dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger
Than me

All the messed up things I do
Yeah I swear I make them up to you
Before youre going heaven knows
Just let me make it better
Ill try to measure up to you

But you dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger
Than me